About Us

We are proud to present ourselves as a historically unprecedented entity. We are a group of thinkers that abjures all inherited cultural forms in order to re-create them from our origins, precisely as animals that have developed an evolutionary and contingent language that is merely more complex.

We are looking for an island to live on and develop a new culture germinated from a zero to which we must search in the depths of our unfortunate and misnamed human nature, our current beliefs. Committed to such boldness, we do not belong or identify with any ethnic, social, political, geopolitical, economic, religious, academic or anthropological construct; we simply speak a language, were born in a strictly geographical location, and being equal, we are hurt by the pain and misery of the other as much as we are by our own. Everything done is wrong.

Only by pursuing our origins, as devoid of culture as possible, will we ensure that we do not walk on roads already walked, suffer pain already suffered and thus send emissaries and heralds to new frontiers with the conviction that we will do so properly and rightly, and not in a blind, absurd and stupid way as we have always done by embracing the realities of our ancestors without hardly questioning them.

We propose to each human individual on the planet, beyond joining us, to reflect on the ideas that will be presented and debated here at the highest non-academic intellectual level, and to become the first generation that, from its locality, consciously and effectively rejects its present reality and, with it, all its historical heritage that made it possible simply by admitting that each and every one of us is and has been a source of chaos, unreason and suffering. Only this first step will facilitate the new generations to become increasingly aware of the enormous responsibility we have before the future of life and the eradication of pain from our planetary reality.

From that island, we yearn to seduce and fall in love to the whole Earth.